We will always have room to learn and grow on our earthly journey. Gaining knowledge from trustworthy sources can help us navigate life, faith, relationships and ourselves better.
Rebecca Ryder, MA, NCC, LPCC-S, Assistant Regional Program Director recommends the book “One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are” to those who have or are facing a challenging situation or past hurt. So basically, everyone has something to glean from this personal memoir.
Ann Voskamp is a wife, mother, author, blogger, follower of Jesus who is grateful for grace. Her first book, “One Thousand Gifts”, is a New York Times Bestseller that the author says is “proof that God really does use broken, messed up, and fallible lives anyways.” Her book will encourage you to pursue the practice of gratitude, a transformative spiritual discipline, and open your eyes to ordinary amazing grace.
We hope this book both comforts and challenges you to pursue a life well lived.